Board of Directors
Sharon Darling - President
Carolyn Walls - Treasurer
Bonnie Schelts
Tammy Short
Larry Purnell
Lucille Kuntz
Sue Elter
Brenda Schmidt
Ann Campbell
Jay Lancaster
Sharon Dilks
The board meets on the 4th Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September and November.
Opportunities To Give
Donations may be made securely online using the Donate button at the top of the page. Cash donations may be sent by check to the Sudlersville Memorial Library. Your dollars open the door to education and entertainment for all. Public libraries are economic and social lifelines for their communities. All levels of donations are greatly appreciated.
To make a donation for the purchase of materials in memory of or to honor a loved one, contact the library. Library staff will consult with you to choose an appropriate item. A library bookplate recognizing your gift will be placed in each item that is added to the library collection.
Jimmie Foxx Display
Since April 1989, the library has housed a memorabilia display of the town's most famous baseball figure, Hall of Famer James Emory "Jimmie" Foxx. The farm boy slugger, who left town in 1926 to began his career with the famed Connie Mack team in Philadelphia, also has a monument in his honor at the intersection, just a half-block from the library.
The library has several books about the famous heavy hitter who is one of baseball's all-time homerun kings.